About me

I’m Sam – a coffee-loving, misty-sunrise-hunting dad and I live in the fantastic city that is Bristol, in the South West of England in the UK. I was born in the city and grew up not far from here, before meeting my wife at university and then heading off to the big smoke in London, only to return not many years after.

Sam Binding Photography

My photography

My photography journey really started in 2017. If you follow me on Instagram you will have noticed I’m quite partial to mist. Having a young child has instilled in me an ability to be awake at the crack of dawn (who needs sleep when there’s so much playing to be done?), and so I started walking our dog early in the morning as a result. I quickly realised not only did I have the entire city mostly to myself, but the conditions for photography were so much better then too. Fog, misty rays of light, amazing skies – perfect. Most of the photos on my site are available to purchase as prints (from A5 upwards) – visit the print shop for more. You can say hi here.

In the press

I have been shortlisted in Landscape Photographer of the Year from 2020-2023 and featured in the book in 2021 and 2022. I was shortlisted and featured in Astronomy Photographer of the Year in 2022, and won the Historic England category of Historic Photographer of the Year in both 2021 and 2022. I have also been shortlisted in Wildlife Photographer of the Year. My photography has featured in Amateur Photographer, Digital Camera, Digital Photographer, Outdoor Photographer, BBC Sky at Night, The Guardian, Observer, Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail, amongst many others.

I am a commercially-insured A2 C of C certified drone pilot.


Camera: Sony A7iii. It’s a brilliant all-round camera and is particularly good in low light – great for astrophotography and those dark foggy mornings.

Lenses: Sony 24-105 f4, Sony 100-400 f4.5-5.6, Sony 20mm f1.8, Sony 14mm f1.8.

Tripod: Benro Mach 3 with geared head, and also a 3 Legged Thing Brian. This is an amazingly light but sturdy tripod that has travelled the world and been battered about.

Drone: DJI Mavic Air 2s. Great for images.


I am available for camera club talks – please see here for more information.


I’ve been asked quite a few times if I would consider doing one-to-one tuition or running a workshop. I’ve always said no, however who knows? If there’s enough demand maybe I’ll reconsider. Visit the contact page and drop me an email.